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Principais publicações do LaBiCni

Garrido, A; Carlos-Júnior, L ; Casares, F ; Calderon, E ; Oigman-Pszczol, S ; Zilberberg, C . Temporal and spatial dynamics of coral symbiont assemblages are affected by local and global impacts. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, v. 201, p. 116272, 2024,

Capel, K; Zilberberg, C; Carpes, R;  Morrison, C; Vaga, C; Quattrini, A;  Quek, R; Huang, D; Cairns, S; Kitahara, M;
How long have we been mistaken? Multi-tools shedding light into the systematics of the widespread deep-water genus Madrepora Linnaeus, 1758 (Scleractinia), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v.191, 2024, ISSN 1055-7903,

Garrido, Amana G.; Machado, Laís Feitosa; Pereira, Cristiano M. ; Abrantes, D. P. ; Calderon, E.N. ; Zilberberg, Carla . Marine Heatwave Caused Differentiated Dysbiosis in Photosymbiont Assemblages of Corals and Hydrocorals During El Niño 2015/2016. MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, v. 87, p. 1, 2023.

Mello, Thayná Jeremias ; Vieira, Edson Aparecido ; Garrido, Amana Guedes ; Zilberberg, Carla ; De Lima, Juliana Lopes ; Santos, Lucas Penna Soares ; Longo, Guilherme Ortigara . Drivers of temporal variation in benthic cover and coral health of an oceanic intertidal reef in Southwestern Atlantic. REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 60, p. 102874, 2023.


Garrido A, Leite D, Machado L, Zilberberg C, Highly diverse and geographically diferentiated Symbiodiniaceae 
communities associated with the hydrocoral Millepora alcicornis in the Atlantic Ocean, 
10.1007/s00338-022-02266-3, 2022.

Godoy L, Mies M, Zilberberg C, Pastrana Y, Amaral A, Cruz N, Pereira C, Garrido A, Paris A, Santos L, Pires O, Southwestern Atlantic reef-building corals Mussismilia spp. are able to spawn while fully bleached, 10.1007/s00227-021-03824-z, 2021.

Gaspar T, Kimbayo J, Ozekoski R, Nunes L, Aued A, Mendes T, Garrido G, Segal B,Severe coral bleaching of Siderastrea stellata at the only atoll in the South Atlantic driven by sequential Marine Heatwaves. 10.1590/1676-0611-bn-2020-1131, 2021.

Teschima, M. M. ; Zilberberg, C. ; Nunes, F. L. D. . Strong genetic differentiation demarks populations of Favia across biogeographic regions of the Atlantic Ocean. CORAL REEFS, v. 1, p. 1, 2021.


Garrido A, Machado L, Zilberberg C, Leite D, Insights into ‘Symbiodiniaceae phycosphere’ in a coral holobiont, 10.1007/s13199-020-00735-3, 2020.

Capel K, Toonen R, Rachid C, Creed J, Kitahara M , Forsman Z, Zilberberg Carla, Clone wars: asexual reproduction dominates in the invasive range of Tubastraea spp. (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) in the South-Atlantic Ocean, 10.7717/peerj.3873, 2020

Mies M, Francini-Filho R, Zilberberg C, Garrido G, Longo G, Laurentino E, Guth A, Sumida P, Banha T, South Atlantic Coral Reefs Are Major Global Warming Refugia and Less Susceptible to Bleaching, 10.3389/fmars.2020.00514, 2020.

Capel K, López C, Moltó-Martín I, Zilberberg C, Creed J, Knapp I, Hernández M, Forsman Z, Toonen R, Kitahara M, Atlantia, A new genus of Dendrophylliidae (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia) from the eastern Atlantic, 10.7717/peerj.8633, 2020

Giglio V, Pinheiro H, Bender M, Bonaldo R, Costa-Lotufo L, Ferreira C,.Floeter S, Freire A, Gasparini J, Joyeux J, Krajewski J, Lindner A, Longo G, Lotufo T, Loyola R, Luiz O, Macieira R, Magris R, Mello T, Quimbayoa  J, Rocha L, Segal B, Teixeira J, Vila-Nova D, Vilar C, Zilberberg C, Francini-Filho R,  Large and remote marine protected areas in the South Atlantic Ocean are flawed and raise concerns: Comments on Soares and Lucas, v. 96, 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.07.017, 2020.

Santos M, Faria-Junior E, Aued A, Peluso L,Kitahara M, Pires D, Zilberberg C Benthic Cnidaria community in the oceanic archipelago of Trindade and Martin Vaz, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, v. 33,, 2020.

Teschima M, Garrido A, Paris A, Nunes F, Zilberberg C, Biogeography of the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodiniaceae) community associated with the brooding coral Favia gravida in the Atlantic Ocean, 10.1371/journal.pone.0213519, 2019

Capel K, Creed J, Kitahara M, Chen C, Zilberberg C, Multiple introductions and secondary dispersion of Tubastraea spp. in the Southwestern Atlantic, 10.1038/s41598-019-50442-3, 2019.

Luz B, Capel K, Zilberberg C, Flores A, Migotto A, Kitahara M, A polyp from nothing: The extreme regeneration capacity of the Atlantic invasive sun corals Tubastraea coccinea and T. tagusensis (Anthozoa, Scleractinia), v. 503, 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.02.002, 2018.

Leite D, Leão P, Garrido A, Lins U, Santos H, Pires D, Castro C, Elsas J, Zilberberg C, Rosado A, Peixoto R. Broadcast Spawning Coral Mussismilia hispida Can Vertically Transfer its Associated Bacterial Core, 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00176, 2017.

Capel K, Migotto A, Zilberberg C, Lin M, Forsman Z, Miller D, Kitahara M,Complete mitochondrial genome sequences of Atlantic representatives of the invasive Pacific coral species Tubastraea coccinea and T. tagusensis (Scleractinia, Dendrophylliidae): Implications for species identification, v. 590, 10.1016/j.gene.2016.05.034, 2016

Muricy G. , Domingos C, Lage A, Lanna E, Hardoim C, Laport M and Zilberberg C. Integrative taxonomy widens our knowledge of the diversity, distribution and biology of the genus Plakina (Homosclerophorida: Plakinidae),, 2019.

Peluso L, Tascheri V, Nunes FLD, Castro CB, Pires DO, Zilberberg C. Contemporary and historical oceanographic processes explain genetic connectivity in a Southwestern Atlantic coral. Scientific Reports, v. 8, p. 1, 2018.

Leite DCA, Leao P, Garrido AG, Lins U, Santos HF, Pires DO, Castro CB, Elsas JDV, Zilberberg C, Rosado A, Peixoto RS. Broadcast Spawning Coral Mussismilia hispida Can Vertically Transfer its Associated Bacterial Core. Frontiers in Microbiology (Online), v. 8, p. 1, 2017.

Souza JN, Nunes FLD, Zilberberg C, Sanchez JA, Migotto AE, Hoeksema BW, Serrano XM, Baker AC, Lindner A.Contrasting patterns of connectivity among endemic and widespread fire coral species (Millepora spp.) in the tropical Southwestern Atlantic. Coral Reefs (Print), p. 1, 2017.

Capel KCC, Toonen RJ, Rachid CTCC, Creed JC, Kitahara MV, Forsman Z, Zilberberg C. Clone wars: asexual reproduction dominates in the invasive range of Tubastraea spp. (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) in the South-Atlantic Ocean. PeerJ 5:e3873. 2017.

Capel KCC, Migotto AE, Zilberberg C, Lin MF, Forsman Z, Miller DJ, Kitahara MV. Complete mitochondrial genome sequences of Atlantic representatives of the invasive Pacific coral species Tubastraea coccinea and T. tagusensis (Scleractinia, Dendrophylliidae): Implications for species identification. Gene (Amsterdam), 590: 270-277. 2016.

Picciani N, Seiblitz I, Paiva PC, Castro CB, Zilberberg C. Geographic patterns of Symbiodinium diversity associated with the coral Mussismilia hispida (Cnidaria, Scleractinia) correlate with major reef regions in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology (Berlin), 163: 236. 2016.

Calderon EN, Zilberberg C, Castro CB. Farming of the fire-coral Millepora alcicornis for reef restoration purposes: the influence of inclination on growth. Aquaculture Research (Online), 46: 2034-2036. 2015.

Zilberberg C, Peluso L, Marques J, Cunha H. Polymorphic microsatellite loci for endemic Mussismilia corals (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Heredity, doi:10.1093/jhered/esu023. 2014.

Capel KCC, Migotto AE, Zilberberg C, Kitahara MV. Another tool towards invasion? Polyp -bail-out- in Tubastraea coccinea. Coral Reefs, 449: 69-76. 2014.


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