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Population diversity and connectivity of invasive species
To understand the mechanisms of bioinvasion, from the population ecology of the invasive species to its effects on the biological community, seeking to evaluate the environmental, economic and social consequences involved in the process. In Brazil, little is known about bioinvasions on our coast. This line of research includes projects with the objective of evaluating population and biological aspects of invasive species, such as the sun coral (Tubastraea sp.) on the Brazilian coast, using a combination of molecular and ecological analyses.
LaBiCni is collaborating in the evaluation of the zooxanthellae community over time through quarterly analyses for one year to verify the dominant type of symbiont present in the corals Montastraea cavernosa and Siderastrea stellata on the island of Fernando de Noronha (PE) and in Natal (RN). In the event of a coral bleaching event, new analyses will be performed to verify if there is an association between the susceptibility of the coral to bleaching and also with its recovery with the zooxanthellae community present in the host.
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